We're giving away one cool t-shirt to the person who can take a guess at how many t-shirts belonging to KoiZ that we've seen so far. Click here or on the image above for details.
Also, we're taking preorders to do a print run of this shirt design. Modeled by KoiZ back in scene 3, you too can now own the "Do Not Eat Raw" t-shirt! :D :D
Click on over to the store to get one - we'll be taking preorders until July 14, so don't miss your chance.
New postcards will be going out to our Patreon $10+ subscribers in about a week. Ooh, and this time we get a little traditional and dark fairytale-ish... We're also getting close to our sleepover "age chart" reward! *wants to see what Kouki wears to bed* XD
Oh yeah! We've also got a contest going on, so check it out below!